Functional Urology Supplement 2021
An in-depth examination of recent advances in functional urology, covering a wide range of innovations occasioned by advancing technology, the demands of the pandemic, and evolving patient preferences.
To skip directly to features, click the links below:
- Introduction
- by Jay Khastgir
- Opimisation of drug-resistant overactive bladder management
- by Findlay MacAskill, Arun Sahal
- Stress urinary incontinence treatments - what's on the horizon?
- by Fawzy Farag, Jay Khastgir
- Robotic approaches in reconstructive urology
- by Andrew Deytrikh, Nadir I Osman
- Approach management of LUTS with co-existing pelvic organ prolapse
- by Ifeoma Offiah, Hashim Hashim
- Urodynamics in female urology: does it help outcomes?
- by Thomas van Steenbergen, Michel Wyndaele