Urologists, perhaps more than any other group of clinicians, can quite reasonably lay claim to be the champions for men’s health. But are we particularly well placed to deliver? This text is aimed at primary care physicians and those urologists who wish to appreciate a wider scope to a number of those aspects of men’s health which are not always particularly well addressed – and not necessarily just the urological aspects.

While the text deals with the inevitable aspects of urology-specific pathology such as erectile dysfunction, urinary tract infection and bladder outflow obstruction – the book’s principal appeal to urologists will be in its treatment of many of those ‘off-radar’ aspects of men’s health we perhaps only make grazing contact with on a day-to-day basis. These include those global aspects of the ageing male and the male menopause, as well as some more specific aspects of men with chronic pelvic pain and the complementary aspects of interventions for prevention of urological disorders.

The chapters are well written and informative and are certainly of value. There is perhaps no ready market for this book (and is perhaps a negative indictment of a system in which no one has championed men’s health per se) but it is not without its merits and many a primary care physician with a special interest in men’s health I am sure would value its contents.

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Tim Lane

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.

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