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This book is a fantastic resource for medical students and junior doctors. It provides a concise overview of common urological scenarios, covering topics that medical students and junior doctors are expected to be familiar with.

The book presents key points to elicit when taking a history and relevant signs on physical examination for common urological conditions. It provides a concise summary of the workup and management of the condition, aimed at an appropriate level for the target audience. The book also includes a chapter on troubleshooting common catheter issues likely to be encountered in clinical practice such as, difficult catheterisation, bladder washouts and how to change a suprapubic catheter.

Bright, colourful text boxes interspersed amongst the text make this book easy to read. It is supplemented by relevant images, particularly within the scrotal pathology chapter, which illustrate each condition excellently for the reader.

I commonly use this book as a framework for teaching sessions; enabling development of content which is relevant for medical students, foundation and core trainee doctors. It is therefore a valuable tool for the teacher as well as the student.

With regards to value for money, this book cannot be beaten! It is available as a free download via the BAUS website. If you prefer a printed copy, it can be purchased for a very reasonable price, with all profits donated to charity.

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Hannah Thorman

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

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