Since The Urology Foundation (TUF) was founded 26 years ago the charity has been at the heart of the step change in the treatment and care for urology patients. Building on past achievements, TUF are continuing to develop programmes and invest in initiatives and innovations that can improve patient outcomes and quality of life, a particular challenge with the ever-growing ageing population.
2021 saw the first call for the TUF Innovation and Research Fund applications which will now be considered on an annual basis, the next closing date being 31 January 2022.TUF are looking for applications, up to a value of £60,000, that seek to use new, exciting and innovative approaches to address urologic diseases and disorders.
The awards are open to anyone working in urology. As well as more traditional bench or clinical research projects TUF are open to applications for other projects including: nurse or clinically led patient projects, provided the study can be measured and evaluated; training days; or indeed something totally new.
All projects must either:
(a) aim to create innovative treatments or devices,
(b) aim to deliver innovative care pathways, or
(c) aim to use innovative research techniques or methods.
This year TUF partnered with the Centre for Healthcare Randomised Trials (CHaRT) in Aberdeen to create the TUF Trials Unit (TTU). The purpose is to enable more clinical research in urology and to encourage a culture of inquiry, improvement and research in urology that will benefit patients and the profession. Projects as pre-cursors to, or preliminary work for, urological trials may also be considered for a TUF Innovation and Research Award. The Urology Foundation is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) non-commercial Partner. This means the studies funded may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Clinical Research Network. The NIHR Clinical Research Network can now support health and social care research taking place in non-NHS settings, such as studies running in care homes or hospices, or public health research taking place in schools and other community settings.
Read the full policy here:
In partnership with the local Research & Development office, applicants are encouraged to involve the local NIHR Clinical Research Network team ( in discussions as early as possible when planning a study. This will enable applicants to fully benefit from the support available through the NIHR Study Support Service.
To find out more, please visit:
All applications correctly submitted by 31 January 2022 will be circulated to TUF’s Science and Education Committee (SEC) and Reviewing Committee for assessment. The SEC is responsible for the development and assessment of The Foundation’s medical education and training programmes and the review and administration of its grant making policy. The Chairman, Prof Grant Stewart, is a member of the Board of Trustees and the committee is made up of clinical trustees and academic urologists, scientists with an interest in urology, and two lay members.
For more information about the award and application process please visit:
or email