Since the founding fathers of endourology first published this textbook in 1996, the surgical vista has been changed unrecognisably by technological advances. Laparoscopic approaches have become commonplace for renal, ureteric, bladder and prostatic surgery, and robotic-assisted techniques have developed with a diversity ranging from robotic kidney transplantation to robot-assisted vasectomy reversal.
Not surprisingly therefore, this body of work has now expanded into what is probably the most comprehensive source of reference for a range of topics that bridge multiple urological subspecialties. The fundamental principles of the relevant anatomy, pathophysiology and instrumentation is explained in detail. The range of topics is staggering, from detailed descriptions of surgical approaches for the treatment of stones, techniques of renal access, management of ureteric obstruction, a vast range of renal and pelvic oncological and reconstructive procedures, techniques for management of various benign pathologies, focal and endoscopic therapies for benign and malignant conditions of the prostate, bladder cancers, functional urology and neurourology. There is an interesting chapter on surgical simulation in training. Each chapter is amply illustrated with colour diagrams and photographs, which is particularly useful for understanding step-by-step description of techniques.
Consisting of 166 chapters divided into two large hardback volumes (also available as an e-book), they form an impressive set. The books are supported by a website which contains some 162 useful technical videos that are referenced in the text, and every illustration contained in the book is available as a PowerPoint file, arranged by chapter. These played and downloaded seamlessly during the review process and form a huge resource for teaching. These books have been considered the ‘bible’ of endourology for some time, and will remain so; they will sit proudly on every urologist’s desk, and will certainly be thumbed through very often.