Loop-tail stents in reducing stent related symptoms – the search continues

Insertion of double J (DJ) stents is one of the most commonly performed procedures in urology. One of its major drawbacks is stent related symptoms (SRS) which has generated a lot of research in drugs, stent design and materials. One...

Developing and validating a new nomogram for diagnosing BOO in women

Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) in women is thought to be present in between 2.7% and 27%. Causes of BOO in women may be anatomical or functional. Yet, unlike the diagnosis in men, there is no standard definition for BOO in...

Prostate alpha-1 receptors: what is new?

This article from the west of Germany will be of interest to many of us who use alpha-blockers for bladder outflow symptoms. The classic model of understanding of alpha receptors has been challenged recently. Further models have been identified, including...