Fluoxetine for refractory night wetting in children – is it safe and effective?

Around 1-2% of teenagers above the age of 15 years and 2-6% of adults continue to wet the bed. Standard treatment often includes bladder advice, alarm therapy, desmopressin and anticholinergics. Tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine) can also be utilised. Unfortunately, most have...

Parental psychological intervention improves outcomes for children with night wetting

Bed wetting is a common disorder that can potentially limit social interactions (e.g., sleepovers) and have emotional implications for both the child and their family. Here, Sa et al. from Brazil, hypothesised that involving parents in the treatment and providing...

Should we let sleeping children lie?

Alarm therapy (AT) is a first line-treatment for nocturnal enuresis (NE) conditioning the child to wake in response to an auditory stimulus when wetting begins. It is currently unclear whether waking children and guiding them to urinate when the alarm...

The challenge of psychological problems in enuresis treatment

The first sentence of the conclusion of this review article reads: “In the past decade the role of psychological factors in the pathogenesis of nocturnal enuresis has changed from a primary causal factor to a consequence or comorbidity.” The authors...

Hypercalciuria in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis, defined as intermittent urinary incontinence, regardless of the presence or absence of daytime symptoms, is common. Monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis – MSNE (no daytime symptoms) has four main causes identified with it: poor vasopressin action, nocturnal polyuria, poor arousal...