You searched for "robotic surgery"

9 results found

Essentials of Robotic Surgery

Essentials of Robotic Surgery is an ambitious attempt to educate the readership on the history and current applications of robotic surgery in today’s operating theatre. Aimed at primary care providers and other health care specialists, it provides an overview on...

An update on robotic surgery in urology

The early adoption of new technology has long been a trademark of urological surgeons. Like the introduction of the cystoscope, lasers and flexible endoscopy, the field of urology has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the advent of robotic surgery. Robotic-assisted...

Near-infrared fluorescence in robotic surgery

This is a systematic review and critical analysis of the current evidence on the applications of near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) in robotic urologic surgery. It uses indocyanine green (ICG), a sterile water-soluble dye which has been tested in various fields. In...

Is outpatient robotic surgery feasible in children?

Minimally invasive surgery has helped to achieve shorter hospitalisations, reduce postoperative pain and analgesia requirements and provides better cosmetic results. Robotic urological outpatient surgery has been examined in recent times in the adult population; here Neheman et al. look at...

Perspectives on the 9th Worldwide Robotic Surgery Event 

I was honoured to be invited again to participate in this year’s Worldwide Robotic Surgery Event (WRSE). Taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, when medical meetings and congresses have been cancelled, training disrupted and health systems...

Cutting-edge or over-hyped? Evaluating the role of robotic surgery in the management of renal cell carcinoma

The quest for a minimally-invasive approach to major abdominal surgery finds its roots at the start of the previous century, when Georg Kelling first described the technique of ‘ceolioscopy’ to inspect intraabdominal organs in 1901 [1]. Since those early days,...