How do we tackle social injustice in urological cancer?
Socioeconomic status as an established determinant of health and associated injustices is well recognised. Confronting these injustices and creating a fairer healthcare system is an ongoing challenge for many governments. In Scotland, the devolved government has created the Scottish Index...
Urology around the world: An overview of healthcare in Germany
Germany boasts a highly developed and comprehensive healthcare system, renowned for its quality and accessibility. The urology landscape in the country mirrors this overall excellence, characterised by a well-structured network of specialists, advanced technology, and a strong emphasis on patient-centered...
Using change theories can help nurses implement better care in prostate cancer
Nurses can help support change in prostate cancer care by understanding change management and models and provide leadership in improving prostate cancer care. An important part of being able to lead change is to understand change theories such as the...
Action Bladder Cancer UK awards grants for bladder cancer research
Action Bladder Cancer UK has granted funding to enable vital research into bladder cancer as part of its annual ABC UK Improving Outcomes for Patients Programme (https://actionbladdercanceruk.org/abc-uk-grants/). The five grant recipients will undertake significant studies, ranging from the analysis of...
BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
Day 1 Toni Huw Mihailidis and Mriganka Mani Sinha Another year and another brilliant meeting in which urologists from the UK and around the globe assembled for a highly entertaining event. Day one kicked off with a topical and ever-pervasive...
From overseas to the UK: initial impressions
A few years ago we published stories from three international medical graduates detailing their experience of working as registrars in the UK (https://www.urologynews.uk.com/education/trainees-forum/post/initial-impressions-of-urology-in-the-uk-from-overseas-trainees). Here are three new countries and three new opinions. Dinelle Sirjuesingh, Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago...
Management of RHC in prostate cancer with selective embolisation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies affecting men worldwide. Radiotherapy is a common treatment modality for localised and locally advanced prostate cancer. While radiotherapy can be effective, it may lead to complications such as radiation-induced haemorrhagic cystitis...
Cutting-edge or over-hyped? Evaluating the role of robotic surgery in the management of renal cell carcinoma
The quest for a minimally-invasive approach to major abdominal surgery finds its roots at the start of the previous century, when Georg Kelling first described the technique of ‘ceolioscopy’ to inspect intraabdominal organs in 1901 [1]. Since those early days,...
Shared decision-making – minimising the mismatch
In Western countries, we are spoilt for choice in almost every aspect of our lives, but does that reflect also in healthcare? While we have taken some big strides towards shared decision-making with our patients, the age-old physician dominance remains...
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis – a stepwise approach
As per Cochrane definition (2013), a systematic literature review (SR) attempts “to identify, appraise and synthesize all the empirical evidence that meets pre-specified eligibility criteria to answer a given research question” [1]. A meta-analysis (MA) is a statistical assessment of...
Sexual dysfunction following prostate cancer treatment
Prostate cancer is common with over 52,300 new cases diagnosed annually in the UK; this is expected to rise by 15% between 2023-2025 and 2038-2040 [1]. Radical prostatectomy continues to be the most common form of radical treatment for men...
Redundant! Do urological surgeons have a future in treating urological cancers? RSM Urology Section Meeting
December 2023 marked the latest RSM Urology Section event. Alongside the Winter Short Papers Prize presentations, the theme of the day was major urological cancers and the role of the urologist in patient management within the multidisciplinary team (MDT). We...