AFEX Active Core Supporter

On NHS prescription, the all NEW AFEX Active Core Supporter (high pubic pressure) is the ideal male urinary incontinence management system for men who lead active outdoor lifestyles, being easy to manage, comfortable and convenient to use. AFEX reduces localised rash, irritation and infection as well as containing odour giving men the confidence to venture outdoors again without compromising their PFT program. Free patient trial and home assessment. Patients love the easy on / easy off stay dry approach!
b.sure self-adhesive sheath

b.sure is our shorter-length, latex-free self-adhesive sheath, available in 9 sizes (18mm-35mm). It’s 75mm in length, good when there is less surface area for the sheath to adhere to. The buffer zone is 45mm, the adhesive zone is 25mm, with a strong adhesive. Available on prescription. Please contact the helpline for more information.
Beambridge Funnels

Beambridge Medical’s funnel system offers an alternative to a sheath where the user has the ability to hold on long enough to reach for their funnel.
Advantages are bladder control and, at the same time, avoiding body attachment to a drainage system.
The Beambridge male funnel system is available in 5 different sizes including the new, portable Flexi Funnel. All funnels and bags are available on prescription or by private purchase via the beambridge website.

Patients suffering from retracted penis and urinary incontinence?
Petal Sheath design with adhesive attaches to the glans, reducing the need for Catheterisation and potentially reducing CAUTI.
NHS Drug Tarif: NHS Code 23046/10.
- A completely external male urinary catheter, replaces adult nappies and catheters.
- Avoids moisture related skin breakdown.
- One size fits most design
- Up to 48-hours wear time
- 240ml bag has universal connector for any leg or bed bag.
ContiReflex® - Enhanced Artificial Urinary Sphincter (Rigicon)

The conventional AUS design does not modify occlusive cuff pressure in real-time. Cuff pressure is always limited by PRB’s labeled pressure capacity.
The enhanced ContiReflex® smart “Reflex Balloon” senses IAP changes and modifies occlusive cuff pressure in a real-time manner.
Cuff pressure is responsive to IAP changes and is no longer limited by the PRB’s labelled pressure capacity.
Malem Enuresis Alarms

- Recommended by NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence as first-line treatment
- Designed to maximise success in the treatment and cure of bedwetting
- NHS Supply Chain contract holder for 15 years
- Safe, efficient and economical
- Drug FREE
- Cost effective.
p.sure self-adhesive sheath

p.sure is our longer-length, latex-free self-adhesive sheath, available in 11 sizes (18mm-40mm). It’s 130mm in length, good when there is more surface area for the sheath to adhere to. The buffer zone is 75mm, adhesive zone is 50mm, with a standard adhesive. Available on prescription. Please contact the helpline for more information.
Pacey Cuff ULTRA Urethral Control System

Continence with Confidence – Controls Urine Leakage.
Designed by a vascular surgeon and featuring a compact circular design with fenestrated hood (to protect vascular flow), the all new Pacey Cuff Urethral Control Device with Urethral Pressure Pad and Velcro secure can be worn for up to 8 hours to ensure outdoor freedom from stress incontinence. Ideal social enabler post-prostatectomy. 3 size options. Can be used in shower or swimming.
Wearever Washable Underwear

In a world where 2-3% of all landfill is due to disposable diapers (baby and adult) – a shift to re-useable washables will surely be the environmentally sustainable choice. Now listed on NHS Supply Chair Catalogue.
Wearever washables come in a variety of styles and sizes with absorbency options ranging from 150ml to 650ml, and 200+ wash life span.
- One-piece discreet design with built-in pad - Looks and feels like regular underwear
- Patented absorbent, odour-control microfibres (silver ion impregnated).