Journal Reviews
Prevention of urethral stricture recurrence
Urethral stricture recurrence after urethral reconstruction is one of the most challenging problems in urology. With the increase in endoscopic surgery over the last three decades the incidence of urethral strictures has increased, with iatrogenic manipulation the leading aetiology in...
Curing pure CIS with radical surgery: lessons learned
As carcinoma in situ (CIS) theoretically has no ability to invade or metastasise, performing radical cystectomy for CIS-only disease should be curative. In this single centre review over 37 years, 1964 patients undergoing cystectomy were analysed with 52 undergoing surgery...
Secondary bladder cancer following upper tract urothelial cancer
Upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) comprises <5% of all urothelial cancers. A certain proportion of patients with UTUC will develop secondary bladder urothelial cancer (BUC). This paper has retrospectively examined records obtained from several cancer USA population-based registries of more...
Adjuvant radiotherapy versus wait-and-see after radical prostatectomy
Optimum treatment modalities in prostate cancer continue to evolve, with debates at each stage of the evolution process, from focal therapy to radical treatment. In this randomised study, Wiegel et al. investigated the role of adjuvant radiotherapy following open radical...
Urethral pain syndrome – is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Urethral pain syndrome (UPS) is defined in the 2014 EAU Guidelines as the occurrence of chronic or recurrent episodic pain perceived in the urethra, in the absence of proven infection or other obvious local pathology. UPS is often associated with...
Results of HoLEP in patients with prostate cancer and LUTS
Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is recommended for the management of benign prostatic obstruction. With similar functional outcomes and less morbidity compared to transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), it has become a useful tool in the armament...
Ureteric injury rates during robot assisted radical prostatectomy
Jhaveri et al. and colleagues have produced a timely report on the incidence of ureteric injuries during robot assisted radical prostatectomy. They reviewed the complications of 6442 consecutive patients treated with robot assisted prostatectomy at the same institution by one...
The current state of surgical practice for neonatal torsion
Perinatal testicular torsion may be subdivided into prenatal (73%) and postnatal (28%) up to 30 days post birth. Aetiology in the former is universally extra vaginal around the whole of the tunica vaginalis with testicular salvage rate of <5%. Postnatal...
The risk of failure after primary orchidopexy
Surgical standards for revalidation are growing in the UK. For paediatric surgery, primary orchidopexy is thought to be one procedure that could be used as a ‘plumb line’ for this. These authors looked at 1538 boys who underwent 1886 orchidopexies...
New concepts, emerging technologies and potential therapeutics in testicular torsion
This review article is worthy of reading in its entirety. It addresses current concepts in the management of one of the few paediatric urological emergencies. For every 100,000 males <25 years, 4.5 will have testicular torsion per year. Given that...
Simple cystectomy for benign disease
In the UK, due to cancer reorientation programmes by the NHS, radical cystectomies happen only in regional cancer centres. But there is no reason why simple cystectomies cannot take place in district general hospitals, often much closer to patients and...
YouTube for vaginal mesh information
Social media networks and websites are extensively used in healthcare. This interesting study examines information available on YouTube videos for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) repairs with mesh. Forty-nine videos were viewed. Sources were 69% legal firms, 24% medical institutions and...