You searched for "Urinary"

543 results found

Long-term oncologic outcomes of salvage cryoablation for rrPC

Of patients undergoing radiotherapy (RT) for prostate cancer (PC), at least 15-20% will experience recurrence. Although salvage prostatectomy achieves durable oncological outcomes at 10 years, it is associated with significantly high morbidity. Thus, the majority of men with radio-recurrent prostate...

ICS 2019 Standards (two-volume set)

The highly anticipated fully updated 2019 edition of the International Continence Society (ICS) Standards is a comprehensive ‘book’ that compiles peer-reviewed documents into one easily accessible area of 935 pages. It has taken the joint effort and expertise of over...

Morbidity and mortality after surgery for LUTS

The market for bladder outflow obstruction surgery is currently wide open with new technologies such as Urolift® emerging. One of the key selling points of new technologies is the comparative safety and efficacy compared to traditional techniques such as transurethral...

Sacral agenesis and neurogenic bladder: long-term outcomes of bladder and kidney function

These authors looked at single institution outcomes for sacral agenesis (without spina bifida) with reference to renal function and bladder function. All had urodynamics either at diagnosis (56%) or soon after. Of 43 patients (23 female, 20 male), 37 had...

Laparoscopic transposition of renal lower pole crossing vessels

The vascular hitch procedure for pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction (PUJO) was initially described by Hellstroem in1951 and has become popular again since the introduction of laparoscopy. There is still much controversy as to its efficiency. The authors of this paper analyse...

Long-term risks of augmenting the bladder in spina bifida patients

Bladder augmentation is utilised to treat children with neuropathic bladders secondary to spina bifida that results in hostile urodynamics, renal deterioration and / or urinary incontinence. Whilst it is associated with an improved quality of life and low mortality, it...

‘Born in the USA’ – neonatal circumcision

In 2006, the British Association of Paediatric Urologists (BAPU) published a statement paper on the management of foreskin conditions ( Non-therapeutic circumcisions (those to comply with religious or cultural practices) are not uniformly available on the NHS. Circumcisions for medical...

Prostate biopsies without antibiotic cover – are we there yet?

Transperineal (TP) prostate biopsies are widely replacing the traditional transrectal route due to definite evidence of reduced infective complications. TP biopsies are usually performed with a single dose of antibiotic pre-procedure in most centres. In this article the authors attempt...

Study confirms UroShield™ device extremely effective as a bacteriostatic agent

UroShield™ is a breakthrough disposable ultrasound device developed to prevent catheter blockages and biofilm formation, resulting in a reduction in Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and therefore reducing the need for antibiotics, improving patient outcomes and lowering healthcare costs.

Chronic retention – all you need to know

Chronic retention – all you need to know Chronic urinary retention is a common presentation in elderly and frail patients. Two types should be recognised - low pressure chronic retention (LPCR) and high pressure chronic retention (HPCR). Acute-on-chronic retention occurs...

Infections and inflammation: Part 3

See also Part 1 and Part 2 Case 1 You review a man in the Emergency Department with scrotal pain and sepsis. His clinical examination findings are shown. What does this image show? Who was this condition named after? What...

Ambulatory local anaesthetic implantation of percutaneous sacral nerve stimulators

Background The current treatment paradigm for detrusor overactivity (DO) and dysfunctional voiding (DV) includes conservative measures, pharmacotherapy, intravesical onabotulinum toxin A (Botox®), sacral nerve modulation (SNM / SNS) and urinary diversion as a last resort [1]. Incidence of DO is...