The Underactive Bladder

For many, a diagnosis of an underactive or atonic bladder represents the end of the line in terms of management options. It remains a poorly understood and even more poorly appreciated condition, both in terms of underlying pathophysiology and alternatives...

Men’s Health in Primary Care

Men’s health has lagged behind its female equivalent as a specific medical subject but, over the past decade, campaigns by men’s health groups have started to give it the prominence it deserves. This book sets out to be a comprehensive...

Interventional Urology

This book outlines in detail the interventional procedures of the urinary tract. It is suitable for trainee doctors specialising in urology surgery and interventional radiology. It is also suitable for consultant or specialist doctors who are already performing urology intervention...

Percutaneous Renal Surgery – A Practical Clinical Handbook

This is an unashamedly practical guide to the percutaneous access of the upper tract. Its diminutive size belies the wealth of information contained within. Whilst the text begins traditionally with a chapter on applied anatomy, the remainder reverts to an...

Textbook of the Neurogenic Bladder (Third Edition)

The third incarnation of this popular tome remains as imposing as ever. However, it has less the feel of an encyclopaedia about it than one might initially have feared. Whilst there is clearly some very great detail here – with...

Campbell-Walsh Urology: 4-Volume Set (Eleventh Edition)

The latest edition of the most comprehensive textbook on urology encompasses the breadth of the specialty. It provides an encyclopaedic review in an easy to read, succinct format. The appropriate use of bold text to highlight key points makes it...

Prostate Cancer – Diagnosis and Clinical Management

This rather modest looking paperback actually punches well beyond its humble appearance. There are of course the predictable sub-sections appropriate to any prostate cancer text – but that said this relatively small-volume affair (compared to some of the Goliaths out...

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis – PSA, Biopsy and Beyond

The danger of many of the texts which deal with this rapidly changing field is that by the time the texts are published they are out of date. This book however remains fresh, in part because it acknowledges that there...

The 5-Minute Urology Consult (Third Edition)

I suspect that if Dominic Corrigan (famous for the metaphorical escape route afforded to busy clinicians) was a urologist he would most certainly have had a copy of the The 5-Minute Urology Consult and would have then subsequently been famous...

A Woman’s Guide to Pelvic Health

The authors, a combination of family physician and physiotherapist, work well together in this easy to read text, to provide a useful and patient-orientated guide to pelvic health. Many patients are not served well by the derisory amount of time...

Urinary Stones – Medical and Surgical Management

This book is nicely adapted to cover both the medical and surgical management of urinary stone disease. Those chapters dealing with the surgical management of stone disease are dealt with unsurprisingly well – delivered with a relaxed and conversational prose...

Atlas of Male Genitourethral Surgery – The Illustrated Guide

This is a surprisingly good text which I am sure will represent a useful addition to anyone’s library. It is most likely to be sought after by those in higher surgical training grades who are seeking that all-important exposure to...