Urology around the world: An overview of healthcare in Germany

Germany boasts a highly developed and comprehensive healthcare system, renowned for its quality and accessibility. The urology landscape in the country mirrors this overall excellence, characterised by a well-structured network of specialists, advanced technology, and a strong emphasis on patient-centered...

BAUS Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Day 1 Toni Huw Mihailidis and Mriganka Mani Sinha Another year and another brilliant meeting in which urologists from the UK and around the globe assembled for a highly entertaining event. Day one kicked off with a topical and ever-pervasive...

Intelligent triage: improving outpatient efficiency

Background Improving outpatient (OP) efficiency and service structure is of paramount importance as the NHS seeks to manage ever increasing demand in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we re-establish services and attempt to clear the backlog, new ways...