You searched for "catheterisation"

259 results found

A review of the diagnosis and management of urethral caruncles

Introduction The innocuous urethral caruncle is the most common benign urethral lesion in females. It can pose a significant challenge to urologists due to the plethora of differentials and poor evidence surrounding management. In 1926, Ferrier eloquently described the macroscopic...

Priapism in sickle cell disease

What is sickle cell disease? Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the most common single-gene disorders in the UK affecting approximately one in every 2000 live births. Approximately 20-25 million people worldwide have SCD. It predominately affects those of...

Patient decision aids in the management of stress urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a common condition faced by up to 20-50% of women, which impairs quality of life and poses a significant socioeconomic burden to both the individual women involved and more widely to the NHS [1]. The overall cost...

Endoscopic injection of bulking agent for recurrent paediatric epididymitis

Paediatric recurrent epididymitis is frequently observed in several urogenital conditions, and may result in deterioration of long-term fertility. The management of recurrent epididymitis is still a therapeutic challenge for paediatric urologists, and as yet there is no consensus for treatment....

Would some boys undergoing orchidopexy benefit from adjuvant hormonal therapy?

Orchidopexy is generally recommended between six months and one year of age given that many studies have shown that there is a progressive histological deterioration and poorer growth of the undescended testis that is not brought down to the scrotum...

Medical journal readers

Keeping up to date with a variety of urology and medical journals can be an onerous task. Each year there is an ever-expanding number of medical journals and finding a way to sift through relevant information in medical journals and...

Characteristics of testicular tumours in prepubertal children

It is well known that testicular tumours in children occur in one of two peaks. Firstly, in the first four years of life where a third to half of these tumours are benign and secondly during puberty where there is...

Read all about it Mar/Apr 2020

Read all about it... It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking...

The assessment and medical treatment of LUTS secondary to BPH

The term benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) describes prostate enlargement due to non-cancerous processes. Several aetiological mechanisms are involved, including hormonal and vascular alterations; abnormal regulation of apoptosis; and prostatic inflammation, which may stimulate cellular proliferation. With ageing, prostate enlargement can...

Endoscopic management of upper tract urothelial carcinoma

Upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) is a rare disease accounting for 5-10% of all urothelial carcinomas and has an annual incidence in Western countries of 1-2 per 100,000 [1,2]. It occurs more commonly in the pelvicalyceal system as opposed to...

Indication to pelvic lymph nodes dissection for prostate cancer

This paper explored the role of multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) in predicting the likelihood of lymph node invasion in patients with a risk of <5% according to the Briganti nomogram. Three hundred and ten patients who underwent a preoperative mpMRI and...

Consent: your obligations in the modern, post-Montgomery era

There has been so much recent discussion and so much emphasis placed on the fundamental right that we all have to determine what is or is not done to us, the right to self-determination, that it would be either a...