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706 results found

RCC recurrence rates post laparascopic partial nephrectomy

In recent years laparascopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) has emerged as an oncologically safe alternative to its radical nephrectomy counterpart. There is however a lack of consensus amongst the urology community regarding surveillance after LPN for patients with stage I tumours....

The role of an enhanced recovery protocol in patients undergoing robotic radical cystectomy

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols are patient pathways designed to reduce surgical stress and accelerate postoperative recovery. Uptake of such protocols in colorectal surgery in particular has been high, however ERAS protocols developed or utilised in urological surgery have...

Read all about it May/Jun 2018

It can be awkward when a patient asks you about a report in their favourite tabloid detailing an amazing research breakthrough or a ‘cutting-edge’ new treatment / test and you don’t know what they are talking about! So this section...

Students for Urology: a new national society aimed at improving undergraduate exposure

As medical students, we were surprised at just how little urological content was taught at medical school. We received a basic education on how to manage urological infections, renal stones and urinary retention but nothing particularly inspiring was shared, nothing...

Medical journal readers

Keeping up to date with a variety of urology and medical journals can be an onerous task. Each year there is an ever-expanding number of medical journals and finding a way to sift through relevant information in medical journals and...

A research revolution

“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” Erenesto ‘Che’ Guevara There was a time, not so long ago, when you actually had to go to a library to read...

Surgical risk prediction

Patients presenting for urological surgery range from the young and fit to the elderly with multiple, and often significant, coexistent diseases. This latter cohort can present a significant challenge in the perioperative period, sometimes irrespective of the type of surgery....

Urology for Medical Students and Junior Doctors

This book is a fantastic resource for medical students and junior doctors. It provides a concise overview of common urological scenarios, covering topics that medical students and junior doctors are expected to be familiar with. The book presents key points...

#DontPayToStay Campaign – how one urology trainee led a successful campaign to eliminate charges for non-resident on call accommodation across England

The 2016 terms and conditions of service (junior doctor contract) introduced the following clause: 11. Where a doctor is rostered to work on a non-resident on-call working pattern and the doctor elects voluntarily, subject to the availability of accommodation, to...

Feeling like a fraud — imposter syndrome: what it is and what to do about it

Have you ever been plagued by feelings of incompetence despite evidence to the contrary, then this article is for you. Dr Dunay Schmulian provides insight into imposter syndrome and what to do about it. Excerpt 1 Consultant:That was excellent, and...

The Nurse Practitioner in Urology

This book is designed to meet the needs of nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses and physician assistants working in urology in the US where Advanced Practice Certification, although not mandatory, is highly sought after by employers and service users alike....

Can continence and volitional voiding be achieved in bladder exstrophy?

Bladder exstrophy is a challenge to the paediatric urologist; here in the UK, repairs are now undertaken at two centres in order to concentrate experience. The ultimate aim is to achieve urinary continence and volitional voiding. In this study, John...