You searched for "incontinence"

395 results found

Metastatic spinal cord compression – a review

Introduction Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is an oncological emergency that, unless diagnosed early and treated appropriately, can lead to significant morbidity and mortality, including paralysis and bladder and bowel dysfunction. MSCC can be defined as spinal cord or cauda...

In conversation with Professor Christopher Chapple

Professor Christopher Chappel. Prof Chapple, thank you for taking the time to chat with the Urology News team. Can we start by asking about your background and how you ended up in the field of urology? Early in my career...

The impact of FGM on the genitourinary system: a 2021 perspective

Awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) in European countries has increased over recent decades as a result of globalisation and migration of populations. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes FGM as procedures that involve partial or total removal of the...

The medical management of LUTS/BPH – an update

For many years it has been recognised by both medical professionals and the general public that the development of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is highly prevalent and is predominantly age-dependent. Medical professionals understand that in men this is often,...

Demanding cases or nightmares in uro-oncology? Sep/Oct 2021

Active surveillance for prostate cancer: missing the boat Case In 2005 a 43-year-old man of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity was referred to our centre for investigation of suspected prostate cancer. Digital rectal exam revealed a firm right lobe, PSA of 2.3ng/ml, prostate...

22 Weymouth Street

In this series of articles I am going to show you some of the exhibits contained in the Museum of Urology, hosted on the BAUS website ( This year, 2020, is the 75th anniversary of the formation of BAUS. It...

Inpatient care of patients with established spinal cord injury - what a general urologist needs to know

Introduction Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, life-changing condition, which is currently irreversible. Depending on the level of the spinal cord affected (and whether the lesion is complete or incomplete), patients may subsequently develop reduced voluntary motor function, sensory...

BBS Revolution™ Bladder Scanner

Featuring a wireless scanning probe with eight ultrasound transducers for fully automatic bladder detection, BBS Revolution™ differentiates between male/female anatomy, delivering accurate measurements in seconds.

Prostate artery embolisation

Introduction Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a common condition associated with ageing, affects 50% of those between the ages of 50 and 60 years, and as many as 90% of those older than 80 years. BPH is characterised by unregulated, benign...

Robotic Urology Fellowship at UCLH

In November 2014, approaching my final year of training (ST7) in the West of Scotland (WoS) and just recently armed with my FRCS (Urol), I was at a crossroad in my clinical career. I was keen to pursue a consultant...

Robotic assisted perineal prostatectomy: descriptive technique of the inaugural case in the UK

Robotic surgery has taken full flight in the USA since its start in 2000 [1] and is replacing procedures where open surgical techniques were solely employed. While this technology is met with criticism over the costs, the superiority of robotic...

Focal therapy trials

Men with localised prostate cancer have traditionally required whole gland treatment involving radical prostatectomy or radical radiation treatment, independent of disease location and size. Increasing evidence supports the use of active treatment only in those men diagnosed with prostate cancer...