You searched for "pain"

404 results found

Low dose PDE5I in IC

This is a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of daily low-dose sildenafil (25mg) for the treatment of non-ulcer interstitial cystitis (IC) in women. Forty-eight women with clinical diagnosis of IC, from three centres, were equally randomised to...

Comparison of PCNL under spinal versus general anaesthesia

There are several advantages of performing percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) under spinal anaesthesia including lower cost, reduced adverse effects and less tracheal tube displacement. Another advantage is that the patient remains awake throughout making positioning easier and reducing the risk of...

Managing staghorn calculi – a return to the dark ages of stone surgery with the aid of the robot

Khurshid Ghani and colleagues present a novel, yet all too familiar, approach to the management of patients with staghorn calculi, in the form of anatrophic nephrolithotomy - however with the aid of a robot. The aim of this study is...

Beware of the ambiguous testicular lump

In busy day-to-day practice, we are often faced with puzzling situations. A useful mnemonic is 4-T: torsion, trauma, tumour and tuberculosis (infections). This case review in the BMJ is about a 34-year-old man presenting to A&E with left testicular pain...

Risk stratified approach to early intervention for renal colic

Existing guidance on this topic is based on older and smaller studies, and there remains variation in practice. This review of database outcomes of 1168 out of 3081 (38%) patients who underwent early intervention after presentation to nine Canadian emergency...

Is outpatient robotic surgery feasible in children?

Minimally invasive surgery has helped to achieve shorter hospitalisations, reduce postoperative pain and analgesia requirements and provides better cosmetic results. Robotic urological outpatient surgery has been examined in recent times in the adult population; here Neheman et al. look at...

Study confirms UroShield™ device extremely effective as a bacteriostatic agent

UroShield™ is a breakthrough disposable ultrasound device developed to prevent catheter blockages and biofilm formation, resulting in a reduction in Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and therefore reducing the need for antibiotics, improving patient outcomes and lowering healthcare costs.

Testicular cancer (Jan 2016)

Case 1 A 26-year-old male presented with a two-week history of testicular pain and swelling. On examination the right testicle was enlarged, indurated and tender. Erythema of the scrotum on that side was also noted. Ultrasound of the testis reported...

Infections and inflammation: Part 2

See also Part 1 and Part 3. Case 1 A 43-year-old lady presented to the urologist with a history of pain during bladder filling and associated frequency / urgency. She underwent standard microbiological and radiological investigations that are normal. She...

Nuptial night tragedy

Case 1 A fit and well 50-year-old gentleman presents to the emergency department with pain and swelling of his penis that started a few hours after he had a shower earlier in the day. On examination, the appearance is as...


Case 1 What are the urological indications for use of this medication? What is the mechanism of action when used in the bladder? What is the average duration of action? What are the contraindications to the use of this medication?...


Case 1 A 48-year-old female, having previously had an augmentation ileocystoplasty 10 years ago, has been referred with right loin pain by the emergency department. A venous blood gas is performed shortly after triage with the following values: What is...