Bladder carcinoma MRI

Bladder malignancy is one of the commonest malignancies of the renal tract, accounting for approximately 6% of male malignancy and 2% of female malignancy. The incidence increases with patient age with 70% of patients being over the age of 65...

Training to be a urologist: how risky is it?

The NHS and urology face challenging times in trying to provide quality patient care efficiently and economically. Urology trainees are experiencing conflicting pressures with a new contract, a challenging on-call system and changing training requirements in an overstretched, centralised service...

Penile fracture

Traumatic rupture of the tunica albuginea with either one or both corpora cavernosa of the penis is known as penile fracture. This may be associated with corpus spongiosum or urethral injury. Incidence Penile fracture was reported for the first time...

Testicular tumour imaging

Testicular tumours are the most common tumour in young males with a peak incidence seen between 25 and 34 years [1]. The overall incidence is slowly increasing, although the exact reasons for this are uncertain, and there is a greater...

Simulation-based training of procedural skills: application and integration of educational theories

Educational theories: how familiar are we with these theories and their application in our training? As a Simulation Fellow I have been involved in teaching specific procedural skills and running full immersion simulation sessions. This experience has exposed me to...

Retroperitoneal fibrosis

Introduction Retroperitoneal fibrosis (RPF) is a condition that occurs when extensive fibrosis develops in the retroperitoneum, usually centred over the anterior aspect of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. The fibrotic tissue typically surrounds the infrarenal aorta, inferior vena cava...

The scent of Ethiopia: a personal story part 2

In May/June 2016 we featured a wonderful account of Zeeshan Aslam’s first trip with Urolink to the Hawassa Referral Hospital in Ethiopia (see here). One year on we are delighted that Zeeshan has once again taken the time to provide...

The PROMIS trial – time for multi-parametric MRI before a first prostate biopsy

Whilst the relatively random process of 12 core transrectal ultrasound guided (TRUS) prostate biopsy remains by far the most widely employed approach to prostate cancer diagnosis in the UK, its flaws as a standalone diagnostic strategy are increasingly apparent. TRUS-biopsy...

Consent: your obligations in the modern, post-Montgomery era

There has been so much recent discussion and so much emphasis placed on the fundamental right that we all have to determine what is or is not done to us, the right to self-determination, that it would be either a...

Radiology quiz

We are delighted to introduce something new for the Uroradiology Focus – our very own Jane Belfield has put together a urology imaging quiz with 10 cases designed to grab your interest and test your knowledge. Good luck and let...

An introduction to research governance

Research is the process of acquiring new generalisable knowledge and should be fully integrated into healthcare work. There is a growing drive to encourage and further develop evidence-based practice in medicine so that staff and patients benefit from improved healthcare...

Imaging of varicoceles

A varicocele is a collection of dilated, tortuous spermatic veins of the pampiniform venous plexus. It is seen in 10-15% of the general population and is associated with both primary and secondary infertility. A varicocele is the most common cause...